Last Friday Jim and his brother went fly fishing in the mountains (first time for both, no guide) and were gone over 13 hours. I wondered why they hadn’t called. Turns out even though I gave them quart-sized zipper bags for cell phone, wallet and fishing license, Jim drowned his iPhone.
Two years ago returning from Scotland, Jim’s Razr’s screen went blank and so the next day he went out and bought two new BlackJacks. I made sure our covers were different so he wouldn’t take my phone to work by mistake and lose his work contacts for a day. Hot pink was the choice. Prior to that I had a four year-old Nokia 3650, a hand-me down and the first smart camera phone that Jim purchased to write an app.
When the iPhone came out he ordered it right away. I stuck to the BlackJack and we used his Blackjack on trips for tethering in rural areas (WiFi via cell with large data plan).
Now the first generation iPhone is toast and today we received an iPhone 3G(s) for him in white, and a refurb 3G for me. While awaiting arrival of cases, he’s going to borrow one from a guy at work because he tends to drop, or drown, them. Right now we’re awaiting verification of activation, which according to AT&T “may take some time.” Hopefully our other phones will work until they’re switched over.
Now I have to go from known paradigms into the unknown. I’ve had a MacBook for over two years but the iPhone is daunting to me. So once I learn the basics I’m going to look for some cooking apps that make sense. Will let you know! Off to finish making homemade pizza for dinner. Hope you’re having a great weekend. Cheers, Dee